Saturday, November 21, 2009

Storyboarding movie project—maybe

I was thinking of looking for another event to record. I really liked the Podcast that Rachel and I did for project #3. However I'd like to play around with my film making skills. I was thinking of making a documentary of a struggling MAAE student into a detective film noir style. Haha would be cool. I was interested in interviewing staff and faculty at SAIC. If the time allows me to, then I could (Dec. 9th deadline???). Just wished I can borrow equipment longer at the Media Center (or could I???).

As a note: I really enjoyed the class field trip to HPAC last Wednesday. With that much space I can see a lot of potential: performance art (*cough* dance), film series, and more. I liked the open 24hr showing. I'd so volunteer!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Community outreach via large slingshot!

So I was looking up information about the Wii Remote idea (thanks Meredith for that link) and I found Johnny Lee's website. Since I was on a YouTube spree this evening I found a cool video about a project he did in Pittsburgh called Community Splash. Having all types of local residents and city workers participate in paintballing an old building sounded like a great project. It would be cool if I could incorporate this somehow with one of my classes or final thesis?!

Anyway you can check out the video below. Also check out the website about this project:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Experimentation with iMovie

So today's class we presented our group projects, discussed and analyzed the blog NewCurator, talked about youth programs that focused in technology, and tinkled around with iMovie 09. Here is the short clip I quickly made in tonight's class:

(Best if you used headphones or turn up the volume) :D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dia de los Muetos Podcast

--> Click on POST TITLE to download the Podcast! <--

So here is a podcast created by Rachel Harper and I for the Dia de los Muetos event at Chicago's Children Museum. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!