Saturday, November 21, 2009

Storyboarding movie project—maybe

I was thinking of looking for another event to record. I really liked the Podcast that Rachel and I did for project #3. However I'd like to play around with my film making skills. I was thinking of making a documentary of a struggling MAAE student into a detective film noir style. Haha would be cool. I was interested in interviewing staff and faculty at SAIC. If the time allows me to, then I could (Dec. 9th deadline???). Just wished I can borrow equipment longer at the Media Center (or could I???).

As a note: I really enjoyed the class field trip to HPAC last Wednesday. With that much space I can see a lot of potential: performance art (*cough* dance), film series, and more. I liked the open 24hr showing. I'd so volunteer!

1 comment:

  1. very intriguing project idea - think it's gonna work out?
