Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century

So I have a twitter account and the main purpose is to get information on the latest design issues and news, whether it's the latest environmental problem to solving the aesthetic function of a product. I almost didn't get Twitter since I didn't want to be into this new web 2.0 too much. Yet I was forced (literally) after attending a user interface conference. There I discovered that contacts can be shared via Twitter accounts and streaming, or tweets, of information viewed by many. I was hooked.

Recently I just found a tweet regarding the same issues and practically the same project as my thesis. PBS is showing a program this Sunday, February 13th. Although the difference between my research is that I'm focusing on college/university level while I assume this will focus on K-12. Definitely must check out! Thank goodness for Twitter.

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